About Us
Founded in 1996, Connections coordinates the referral and placement of volunteers for more than 80 different agencies who offer hundreds of ongoing and special event opportunities. In the past year, Connections matched 1,970 individual volunteers who engaged in over 10,000 hours of service to the community. A program of HelpLine of Delaware and Morrow Counties, Inc., Connections core services are funded by SourcePoint and Delaware-Morrow Mental Health & Recovery Services Board.
Our Mission & Vision
To engage people in meaningful volunteer experiences.
Can You Imagine?
A community full of people volunteering everyday, everywhere.
Reach out, Connect, Grow. Volunteer Today!
Volunteer Services
♦ Recruit, refer, and match volunteers to meet community needs, with an emphasis on those age 55+
♦ Coordinate days of service
♦ Recruit and train volunteers to respond in the event of a local disaster
♦ Provide opportunities for personal & professional growth & development