

Your Donation Helps! See How Now  . . .

You make the difference! By donating as little as $5.00, $10.00 or even $25.00 you can help impact Delaware County by providing blankets for foster kids, engaging older adults in meaningful volunteer projects or help to place volunteers critical to local agencies.
Please consider helping now.

Donate Online Now!

We rise by lifting others. Help us inspire, empower and transform lives this holiday season by making a tax-deductible donation today! Connections is a program of HelpLine.

2017 holiday gift guide 3

Donate by Mail:

Connections Volunteer Center
Attention: Suzanne Pingry, Program Director
39 W. Winter Street
Delaware, OH 43015

In-Kind Donations:

Donations can be dropped off at 39 W. Winter Street, Monday through Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Arrangements can also be made for donations to be picked up by calling Suzanne Pingry at 740.363.5000.